Tull Glazener Workshop by Stephanie

It was full house on Saturday the 25th as the GODC hosted the Tull Glazener Workshop.


We began the morning with waltzes and then moved to Tin Pan Alley Tunes and ended with fiddle tunes. Appreciated the time Tull spent on Dulcimer Daze as this is a favorite of the Twangs and enjoy now having the parts.

2020 1.25 Cary and Kim.jpg
2020 1.25 Elizabeth and Joyce (1).jpg
2020 1.25 Flem a Display.jpg

Do you really need another book?

Tull shared his history and his start with the mountain dulcimer. He was given his first dulcimer and thought it only a toy and placed it in the closet. Later when he attended a music festival he heard the dulcimer played for the first time by none other than David Schnaufer. He then realized it was an instrument that could make music and began his pursuit of the dulcimer.

2020 1.25 Elaine and Lana BW.jpg
2020 1.25 Elizabeth 1 and Friends.jpg
2020 1.25 Trish Jane and Friend.jpg

Appreciate all those who participated and supported the event.